Friday, October 24, 2008

no title no title.....

let's see now....errrr........what did I do yesterday..nothing much really, its another day at work - nothing interesting, how can it EVER be.. :p Therefore left office on time (hey, TGIF man!) home and waited to see what the new domestic helper will dish up for dinner. It has been nothing short of disastrous, 9.5 out of 10 times since I don't know when - gosh..they really can't cook for peanuts!!

Few nights ago we were served a teenie-weenie piece of chicken each , together with cabbage, that didn't even fill half the plate. We talked and explained so much - actually.....these people, they UNDERSTAND or NOT ....HARRR????? Pengsannnn.....really really pengsannnnn.... Anyway, we were hoping this time it gets better. Well, we got noodles ...errrm,...what noodles.. I DON'T KNOW !!We had more veggies this one plus point..but again..where's the MEAT...I kept looking for it...and lo' and behold! its in the SOUP...there's ACTUALLY few pathetic, pieces of fish in the soup! OH MY's my ANGKOLI FISH HEAD that was meant for curry!!! Back to square one...WHERE is the MEAT?? Specific instructions given already, time and time again, MUST have Veg & Meat, Veg & Meat! How come they don't get it???!! Arrghhhh....!!! After all these years, I still cannot fathom..what's up in the heads of these helpers... the things they do will leave you dumbfounded forever. Wifey did say, she could probably compile a book of FUNNIES based on what we have gone through! Never mind, enough about them..for NOW.

Since dinner was bad, we decided that we should just go out and unwind for the evening. Together with Josh, we decided to go for Tropic Thunder - yeah M18 show, so you will ask,what happened to my little underaged girl..SURELY she won't let us off. Of course we have everything planned nicely :) We had her to call her classmate, Chloe to come out with us and drove to the cinema at Balestier. We got 3 tix to TT at Theatre 1 and got them 2 tix to HSM3 at Theatre 2! Cool plan eh?? ;p They had a real good time, which was good. I thought TT was okay, not as good as I hoped it would be. The "F" word kind-of being overused...or abused, as if its such a "nice" word already.. oh well...

ok..enough LA... Will be back for more... ;)

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